
A convenient security setting for your PDF files

Today PDF document almost has been the most popular format in our daily life and work. As we all know, Portable Document Format (PDF) is a file format used to represent documents in a manner independent of application software, hardware, and operating systems. Each PDF file encapsulates a complete description of a fixed-layout flat document, including the text, fonts, graphics, and other information needed to display it. It is really a convenient file to use, save and read.
However, in such an advanced IT times, our PDF files would be copied, distributed freely without the permission of the source author, which could infringe the author’s right. You’d like to share some of your PDF files online. Meanwhile, you’re worried about they maybe copied and distributed without your permission. Sometimes, although your files are encrypted for security, most freeware or open source PDF readers ignore the permission "protections" and allow the user to print or make copy of excerpts of the text as if the document were not limited by password protection, even without removing the password. It really furies the authors. We wonder how could the owner protect their PDF files effectively?.
The Wise PDF Security provides a powerful security setting for your PDF files which is professional software to protect PDF file. It solves the security bottleneck in PDF file. With the software setting security for your PDF, you would not worry about their security anymore. And here you could learn how to use it in few seconds.
Firstly, as you installed the software, launch it and you will go to an interface to choose the model(there are three models to choose while you can choose according to your need);

Then, click next to go on; select PDF file you want to protect;

Next, you should set the security method, and properties and expiry date; click “Save” or “Save as”, the security limit to your PDF file has been done.

Every time you open your files, you need to input the password to enter. Others also need your permission to open your PDF file, or there is no other way.

